Honorable Mention Birds and Bats -15th edition

Unreal Atmosphere The “Magadi” lake, which means “soda” in Swahili, owes its name to a particularly high concentration of caustic soda, na- turally produced by the transformation of sediments in contact with run-off water and the lava beneath the surface. In this salty water, millions of lesser flamingos come to feed on mi- croalgae, shrimp, […]

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Honorable Mention Birds and Bats – 15th Edition

Dopo La Tempesta In South Tyrol, there are sometimes grouse that lose their shy- ness towards humans during the courtship period. Science has not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon. Of course, these types of grouse offer photographers great creative op- portunities, otherwise impossible with this species. It was early May when a blizzard

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